About Me

I realized game development was for me when I got tired of waiting for games I enjoy to be made and instead wanted to work to create them. And as I learned about the creation process of games, I found myself deeply in love with it, refining skills to craft systems to support a virtual world of possibilities.

When approaching design and programming problems, I often take a non linear approach, how does it start? what is the end goal? what are steps that are certain to be taken? and once I have some parts established, the solution often becomes much clearer to me, and connecting these points into a functioning pipeline is much simpler than a step-by-step approach. Of course, this requires a good mental image of the project, so I can envision how a certain portion can fit into a larger whole.


  • System Design

  • C# Programming

  • Gameplay Design

  • Prototyping

  • UI Design

  • Combat Design

  • Weapon Design


  • Unity

  • Visual Studio

  • Github

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Maya

  • Trello


  • Fast Learner

  • Bilingual(Chinese Mandrin)

  • Communication